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Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:00a – 4:30p (Closed Weekends)
eClass Community Sites
Non-instructional eClass sites (also referred to as “Community Sites”) may be requested for co-curricular student organizations, academic programs, college committees, departmental collaboration sites, or similar. A “facilitator” is required for all community sites. The facilitator will take on the responsibility of managing the site, including the addition of any necessary content and/or participant enrollments.
Creating a Community Site
Please email to request a community site. In your email, please include what you’d like to name the site, and identify which individual(s) will be the “facilitator(s).” Facilitators have full site access and the ability to edit the site content. The facilitator(s) can also enroll any necessary individuals as “participants.” Participants can interact with the site and its contents, but cannot edit.
Community Site Audits
Our office will conduct a yearly audit in the Fall of each academic year to review whether or not community sites are actively being used. If it is determined that a site has not been used or logged in to by any user within the last 365 days, the last known facilitator will be contacted to determine whether or not the site should remain available to users. If the facilitator is no longer employed by the College, and no other facilitator is identified, the site will be made unavailable (hidden). Sites will not be deleted. Should the site be revived in the future, our office can support the new facilitator tasked with making it available once again.