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Phone:                                              845-569-3457

Hours of Operation:            Mon-Fri 8:00a – 4:00p (Closed Weekends)

Time on Task Requirements

Regardless of the modality in which a course is being taught, NYSED requires that for every one (1) credit hour awarded, students must complete fifteen (15) hours of instruction and thirty (30) hours for supplemental activities. Depending on the length of a course in weeks, the way that instructional and supplemental time is divided per week may vary between courses.

The following chart breaks down the number of hours required per week for a three (3) credit course across varying term lengths.

Breakdown of Hourly Requirements by Term Length:

14-15 Week Traditional Semester Course 8 Week Hybrid/Online Course
Instruction Supplemental Activities Instruction Supplemental Activities
2.7 hrs/week 6.5 hrs/week 4.7 hrs/week 11.3 hrs/week
37.5 hrs/semester 90 hrs/semester 37.5 hrs/term 90 hrs/term

Course Workload Estimator Tool

Use the below resource from Wake Forest University’s Center for the Advancement of Teaching to estimate your course’s time on task.